Nume | Scop | Expirare |
show_cookie_message | Ukládá informaci o potřebě zobrazení cookie lišty | 1 year |
__zlcmid | This Cookie is used to store the visitor’s identity across visits and the visitor’s preference to disable our live chat feature. | 1 year |
__cfruid | This cookie is a part of the services provided by Cloudflare - Including load-balancing, deliverance of website content and serving DNS connection for website operators. | session |
_auth | Ensures visitor browsing-security by preventing cross-site request forgery. This cookie is essential for the security of the website and visitor. | 1 year |
csrftoken | Helps prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. | 1 year |
PHPSESSID | Preserves user session state across page requests. | session |
rc::a | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website. | persistent |
rc::c | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. | session |
AWSALBCORS | Registers which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience. | 6 days |
18plus_allow_access# | unknown | |
18plus_cat# | unknown | |
bs_slide_menu | unknown | |
left_menu | unknown |
Magazin online
Introducere » FASHION BAG, NECKLACE, TATOO » Tatuaj temporar TRIBAL PARTY
BIO-Cosmetics va ofera tatuajul temporar TRIBAL PARTY, cu sclipiri de aur si argint!
Cu tatuajul temporar TRIBAL PARTY veti fi cu adevarat vedeta incontestabila a aceste veri.
1. Alegeti modelul dorit si decupati-l cu o foarfeca.
2. Probati! Pentru a fi sigura ca se potriveste asa cum doriti, verificati intai cum se va potrivi pe piele.
3. Indepartati folia de protectie.
4. Aplicati tatuajul pe piele.
5. Udati cu apa din abundenta, pana intregul tatuaj va fi complet ud.
6. Dezlipiti usor. In caz ca observati ca tatuajul nu ramane lipit pe piele, udati din nou, cu si mai multa apa.
7. Tatuajul aplicat corect va rezista pe piele pana la 5-7 zile.
IMPORTANT: Pentru a prelungi rezistenta tatuajului dumneavoastra, asigurati-va in prealabil ca pielea este curata si uscata!
Prezentare: 15x21 cm